20 April, 2021
Roasted Garlic
Posted in : Appetizer on by : Gerard Frunzi
I put this in the category sauces because it really is one of those add-ons that will flavor anything. This is a wonderful aroma for your home and the easiest thing to do.
Take a garlic head any peel loose petals off of the side. Cut off the top portion exposing most of the cloves. You do not have to expose all of the cloves as the heads are always awkward with small or large on the side. After cutting the end, peel off any remaining loose pieces of skin. Put inside tinfoil drizzle with olive oil.
Pardon the pic as the garlic was older in the fridge so it has more green than it should in the middle.
Bake at 400° for 40+ minutes. Tends to be 40 to 50 minutes at this elevation gets the job done. You’ll note the translucent coloring when it’s done. Peel out the cloves carefully. This clove in the pic was older so I had to chop a bad portion in one clove. Garlic lasts for a long time in the fridge.
It results with the cloves spreading like jelly and your home will smell FANTASTIC. Final product when I made this post included Brie cheese on baguette bread with some sun dried tomato spread.